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Preparation for Moldova's integration into the European Research Area and into the Community R&D Framework Programs on the basis of scientific excellence

Useful links

 Europa CORDIS

Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) provides information on all EU-supported R&D activities, including programmes, projects, results, publications and partners.

 Framework Programme 7

The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The EU strategic priorities for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration activities for 2007-2013.

IncoNet EECA

FP7 Project, entitled S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries


FP7 project under ICT theme: Extending ICT research co-operation between the EU, Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus

ICPC Nanonet

FP7 project aimed at providing wider access to published nanoscience research, and opportunities for collaboration between scientists in the EU and International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC)

 NMPTeAm project

FP7 NMP funded project is about improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through trans-national activities.


The global objective of EURO-DOTS is to create a delocalized (virtual) platform to serve the Doctoral Schools in Europe in micro/nano-electronics.


One-stop shop for micro and nano technologies training

ENIAC - Joint Undertaking

A public-private partnership on nanoelectronics research, development and innovation, strengthening European competitiveness and sustainability

AENEAS - Association for European Nanoelectronics Activities

AENEAS is a non-profit industrial association established under French law, continuing the activities of the former ENIAC Platform and representing the Nanoelectronics RTD partners in the Joint Undertaking.

SEMIDEC database - find partners active in semiconductor design

The Database was developed by the SEMIDEC project, which aims at stimulating cooperation in the design of semiconductor components and electronic based miniaturised systems between Europe and Russia

 NIA - Nanotechnology Industries Association

NIA is the sector-independent, responsible voice for the industrial nanotechnologies supply chains. The NIA supports the ongoing innovation and commercialisation of the next generation of technologies and promotes their safe and reliable advancement.