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Preparation for Moldova's integration into the European Research Area and into the Community R&D Framework Programs on the basis of scientific excellence

Knowledge Society: mutual influence and interference of science and society - NANO-2013

Chisinau, Moldova

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation aims at strengthening regional and interdisciplinary links between the scientists sponsored by the foundation, establishment of the worldwide contacts, introducing young scientists to the scholarship supported by the Humboldt Foundation and to research in Germany. Following these purposes, we organize the interdisciplinary meeting - Humboldt Kolleg “NANO-2013, Knowledge Society: mutual influence and interference of science and societey” - the 5th meeting of the experts in the wide area of NANO (following the NATO ARW-2004 “Nanoscale Phenomena, Fundamentals and Applications; NANO-2007, NANO-2009 and NANO-2011, hold in Chisinau).

Professors, lecturers and researchers from different research centers and universities, working in an intensive cooperation will share their experience, new ideas, methods and results.

Main sessions of "NANO-2013" will be devoted to Spintronics and Nanosensors. The eveny will take place on September 13-16, 2013. 

The program of the Kolleg consists of 3-days work in form of sessions with plenary lectures and oral presentations, podium-discussions, round-tables, coordinating meetings.

Organizers of the Humboldt Kolleg:
Humboldt Club Moldova, Institute of Electronic Enginering and Nanotechnologies ASM, Institute of Applied Physics ASM, Moldavian Physical Society, Moldavian Chemical Society, Union of Science and Engineering Societies of Moldova, University of ASM.

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